Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Dark Ages.

After the fall of ancient Rome. Before the rebirth of Renaissance. Centuries of European history were swept under the rug. These are the dark ages.

                                         August 24, 410 A.D,

The Roman Empire falls...Dark Ages... Fall of Roman Empire. Rome has ever been conquered by a foreign enemy in the imperial period and was absolutely crushed. In Rome, power and glory were rapidly being replaced like corpses and cannibalism after so much sufferings. As early as 3rd century A.D. the empire had fallen into the hands of Syriza inept emperors. Diseases such as Small Pox and Measles entered. They selled Dog Meats to Goths who entered as refugees in Rome. Alleric the rebellion of that time died of fever in 410 shortly after his historic sacking of Rome. The glory of Rome gone forever and the Dark Ages have begun. There was no longer any emperor and the world was a smaller place.

The term dark ages has been used by lots of people. Famous italian stoller (Pete Rock) was comparing this period to the earlier classical period which he saw as leterally brilliant. He said by comparison the people at this period, the worst thing in darkness clean gloom you get up in the morning when you were hungry it looks pretty dark. It was just a notion that it was gloom or people were gloomy or so. For them the emperor of the dark ages was "Jesus Christ".

Chirstmas day 496 A.D. local bishops ends the prayer of thanks giving. This is the red letter day for the catholic church. France seen this as a beginning of france becoming a christian nation. It was a very strategic move. After the fall of the empire for the average man/citizen the life was very very difficult but christianity offered some hope was very attractive. Clovis (emperor) came. He converted to catholiscism and started ruling.Clovis died for unknown cause. Thereafter Justinian emperor also ruled for sometime.

Plague arrived in Constantinople via cargo ship. It was carried by infected flees which hit on the rats. It was a purulent pandamics in history.Justinian was among them who was infected. 15 million people died of these spreaded disease. There was no place to bury the people. In 542 A.D. the autumn chill brought still to plague in constantinople. In 548 A.D. the empress Theodora died of cancer. She was the wife of emperor Justinian. Justinian outlived her by 17 years. His dream of reuniting Rome died with him. After Justinian's death Byzantine empire fallen. Western europe started getting darker. Last vestiges of roman control has become a faded history as disease and warfare claimed countless thousands.

Monasteries became the wealthiest institution among  europe during the dark ages. Monks were the guardians of the literary culture during the dark ages. Many people who were going to these monasteries came from a wealthy family. The Monks poisoned the benedict's drinks. They were making a plot to kill the benedict. Benedict left Abby and set a new monastry in the south east of Rome. He escaped the death twice. The monks who stayed in the monasteries were told to follow the rules of benedict. The nuns who were staying in the monasteries were trying to escape from the walls because they were unhappy there. 600 years after christ crucification his church has become dominant cultural force in europe. Then came Morrish (Moors) armies crossed France and came General Abdul-Rehman another army man but was stuck down by another infantry. Overnight the Moors withdrew and made a beeline self respect.

It was the stunning victory of the Martel, the nick name was "Charles Hammer". When the empire was falling down charles became the saviour of christianity. Over decades charles martel's descendents transform his christian kingdom into an empire and one of them would even become powerful enought to assume the title Emperor abroad. That grandson of charles hammer would be remembered as the father of europe. His name was charlemagne and he was the greatest king of the dark ages. The most powerful emperor of the ancient rome was the king "Charlemagne" would be remembered as one of the most illuminating figures. He gave birth again to the education, he gave the economic importance of the empire. When charlemagne's father died the frankish property was divided among charlemagne and his brother carloman. Charlemagne was more passionate about women. He started to read and learn when he was grown up. He never learned to write. He ruled about 14 years.

By the middle of 19th century the people with north western europe heading towards the scene, more bad fortunes, those families torn apart by the aggression, ruthless conquerers were confronted with severe economic depression, religious persecution and the devastation of rampant disease. After the last irking attacks europe was teeming with unemployed soldiers, trained killers and found it hard to hang up their source.

Starting from 1000 years we see the growth in population in the western europe. If you look at the archeology of the medieval town turned eleven to twelth  centuries, the 13th century it was exactly the opposite of what happened during that last message into their own empire. Europe was one of the productive and creative periods of its entire history, things like the great gothic cathedrels the universities, the law courts and legal systems all those were created in the 12th and 13th centuries. So long period of this darkness there came a tremendous explosion really brilliant cultural achievements. There were political chaos, there were injustices. But what's most admirable and human about the people left during the so called dark ages is the efforts they made sometime successful and sometimes not to terminate themselves in the way that mattered most to them before god. 

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