Monday, January 05, 2015

The Naked Ape by DESMOND MORRIS.

Naked Ape was published in 1967. The book has shocked many people. It became a controversy. Every word desmond wrote became the subject of heated debate. In some parts Naked Ape book was banned, confiscated & burned by the church.

Desmond Morris reminds us that man is relative to apes. He highlights some surprising facts
that are raising quite a few eyebrows in the scientific and non-scientific world.

  • Homo sapiens not only has the biggest brain of all primates but also the largest penis, and is "the sexiest primate alive"
  • our fleshy ear-lobes, unique to humans, are erogenous zones (any area of the body especially sensitive to sexual stimulation) that have been known to provoke orgasm in both males and females,
  • the more rounded shape of human breasts means they are primarily a sexual signalling device rather than simply a milk machine

He sheds new light on our own behaviour and society, describing our ways of " feeding, sleeping, fighting, mating and rearing young".

Morris explains each male, as the head of a family, became involved in defending his own individual home base inside the general colony base. So for us there are three forms of aggression, instead of the usual one or two says morris in his book in the chapter of "Fighting" ' page 101'. 

How does the aggression work? What are the patterns of behaviour  involved? How do we intimidate one another? We must look again at the other animals. When a mammal becomes aggressively aroused a number of basic physiological changes occur within its body. The whole machine has to gear itself up for action, by means of the autonomic nervous system. This system consists of two opposing and counter-balancing sub-systems - the sympathetic and the parasympathetic. The former is the one that is concerned with preparing the body for violent activity. The latter has the task of preserving and restoring bodily reserves. The former says, ' You are stripped for action, get moving'; 'Take it easy, relax and conserve your strength.' Under normal circumstances the body listens to both these voices and maintains a happy balance between them, but when strong aggression is aroused it listens only to the sympathetic system. When this is activated, adrenalin pours into the blood and the whole circulatory system is profoundly affected. The heart beats faster and blood is transferred from the skin and viscera to the muscles and brain. There is an increase in the blood pressure. The rate of production of red blood corpuscles is rapidly stepped up. There is a reduction of time taken for blood to coagulate. In addition there is a cessation in the processes of digesting and storing food. Salivation is restrained. Movements of the stomach, the secretion of gastric juices, and the peristaltic movements of the intestines are all inhibited. Also, the rectum and bladder do not empty as esily as under normal conditons. Stored carbohydrate is rushed out of the liver and floods the blood with sugar. There is a massive increase in respiratory activity. Breathing becomes quicker and deeper. The temperature regulating mechanisms are activated. The hair stands on end and there is profuse sweating. All these changes assist in preparing the animal for battle.  

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