Friday, May 25, 2012

Ernesto Guevara's book "Guerrilla Warfare". Jay

Dearest Nana,

I have finally finished reading Ernesto Guevara's book "Guerrilla Warfare". Getting to know the experience of the Cuban revolution from first hand of one of its leaders is very interesting, inspiring and full of knowledge.

Apart from specifics of the Cuban experience, there are some issues that you can relate to how things are happening, for example, in Irak, Afghanistan, Siria, etc. as well as some of the moments from the past such as the Vietnam War. You can understand more in depth how the local people are trying to, and in some cases, managed to, defeat the army of the first superpower of the world, what tactics do they use, what mentality they keep and all the sacrifices they have to make in order to fight oppression.

There are also many things that relate to Sun Tzu's sayings in "The Art of War", that apply to the guerrilla lifestyle. The thing is, that Guevara, in this book, makes special emphasis on the revolution starting in the countryside, with the villagers, but the basics can apply to any situation, taking into account its specific conditions.

That is all for the moment. More on the next one.

Yours loving,

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