Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Nana's e-mail to his younger grandson 'Ravi'.

Dear Ravikutty,

Your email set me thinking deep. I feel happy for your thoughts since, they are still in the process of evolving into set ideas. But I would say that one should avoid any set ideas. They enslave one’s mind and direct our behaviour. I would prefer my own ideas to be in flux, always ready to think differently. I fully agree with your favourite MURPHY LAW, something wrong somewhere imperceptible to many. It is also my view that thinking should be open not confined to self. In today’s technically advanced atmosphere, it is possible to convey thoughts to many others even unknown thru media. People have varied experiences they formulate their thoughts from different view points. Sometime our ill thought ideas get clarified in others thoughts. They might fill up the gaps that occur in the process. We also might think and act differently on getting fill up from these responses.

What you pointed as intentions of people that they either try to negotiate, reject, ignore or try to impose ideas. “How true”. Still there will be few who both receive and give. In the process they themselves change. It is possible to spot personal or self interest while mingling and interacting with like or unlike minded. We should leave them there to sense and realise their flaws.

Some of these thoughts came to me after ruminating on points brought out in your e-mail. They might have been in my subconcience , but they got words after you stimulated it. I am trying to fathom the full and complete meaning of your expressed thoughts. I very much appreciate your perseverance to find meaning in life. I won’t go too deep. Hundreads nay thousands got into a mire and established a cults that goes on increasing the mindless faithfuls. Take life as it is. Enjoy it without getting polluted. What I mean is that don’t get attached to any firmed ideology. Picasso’s Guernica might be ambiguous as you say but thousands got inspired thru this painting and they found solace in overcoming fascist scourge in the European Scene. Others realised the enormity of hate and violence perpetrated on common people. That is for the time being.

Yours very affectionately,


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