Thursday, October 28, 2010

Letter of Daddy about Arundhathi Roy's controversial Statement "Azad Kashmir"

27th october, 2010.

Akhil Dearest,

I looked into your mails, Arundhati is in news for her outrageous talks. This is not the first time she is talking like this. Her walking with a Gandhian with a gun was equally outrageous. I have writen on subject in some of my earlier mails. I am for freedom of speech and delivering justice to the poor. But Arundhati is stopping at that doesn't proceed further. Minimum, is it not necessary for Taslima Nasreen to get justice? Some time back she was attacked at a Hyderabad function by some muslim fanatics that was aimed to murder her. There is the Nobel Peace Prize winner a Chinese sentenced to jail by the communist regime. There were several death sentences brutally committed by Pak & Afgan Taliban as well as the Iranian regime. Did Arundhati open her mouth and used her verbal tirade against any of these incidents? I have not come across any such statement from her side. Prakash Karat went to Cambridge to learn that the left is still in the mindset of 1940s. I think it was Eric Hobsbahm (I have penned two notes on his last books in the blog) who reminded him of outdated language of the left. It could be directed to Arundhati as well.
Let us look at her claim to have heard millions of Kashmiris shouting Azadi It is sheer one sided exaggeration as if there are no others in Kashmir. What is the people of Jammu and Ladak shouting about? She had no time to hear those voices or she thinks that those are not real people. Why did she not raise the fundamental rights of the exiled Kashmiri Pundits for the life and home in the valley? To her claim that Kashmir was not part of India in historical times, It seems a tame justification of separatists. Was any state of India was part of the country in all historical times? At least I could say that Kerala was not part of India or Bharat from time immemorial. The justification for Azadi is precariously balanced. She might be a greater master of English language even bettering the English themselves.But that doesn't give her license to make comments on all subjects. Much of her talks and writings are based one sided and or dubious sources. Statistics can be quoted selectively to tighten one's views. Here is something of an American mag.

28th October, 2010.

Dear Akhil,

I did not complete the message yesterday as it was time for both to view a TV serial. I continue

According to reports there were a large number of comments in web and other media both in Support of Arundhati and against. Even those said something against her of the view that prosecuting is against the freedom of expression guaranteed in our constitution. I am also of the same view. However there is some cliche here. She or anyone else in the seminar advocated violence. They are intelligent enough not to. As I pointed earlier they seems to be selective. Violence from the Indian state is unjust. What about non-state violence? Arundhati's justification as in the case of Maoists is that those who for non-state violence either act in protection or retaliation.

Arundhati is said to have asked Geelani as to the nature of state he is envisaging whether there will freedom and equality. Geelani responded saying that Azad Kashmir will be a state in which all these will be guaranteed. There is no report whether Arundhati is satisfied with reply. Is it not true that the Indian constitution guarantees all these and more? Will there not be a government
and other administrative machinery in Kashmir? If Indian inspite of the constitutional guarantee acts contrary what is the guarantee Azad Kashmir administration will be lily white, uncorrupted and non-violent one? The stone trowing and bomb making ones will turn out to be Buddhas?

Take the case of Tibet as a contrast. Did any one including Arundhati raised any voice against the occupation of Tibet by Communist Chine? If Kashmir was not part of India at any time; was Tibet a province of China? One thing the Chinese did was to Dalai Lama and his thousands of followers to get out of Tibet as the separatists did to pundits in the valley.

Did Arundhati voice her outrage against the fate of
Aung San Suu Kyi, by the Myanmar junta?

Dear Akhil,

I went thru both websites and found that they are saying nothing. When it comes to freedom of speech our courts invariably overturned the IPC sections. Let me recollect some. The book Dwikhandito by Taslima Nasreen was banned by West Bengal Govt but the HC overturned it. The SC maintained that the ban on Shivaji was un-constitutional and the case against the American author was squashed. I also remember the Mumbai HC allowed the Marathi play Mee Godse Boltho a defense on assassinating Mahatma by Godse. So let us not blame all for weakness of our system. It was reported today that a retired IG of Kerala was convicted for life for killing a naxalite named Verghese in 1970 i.e.after 40 years. I say that though our system works slow it still works.

I have asked so many questions in my last two mails. I am adding one more. Why muslims alone in Kashmir are said to have demanding Azadi not others? Might be that the Indian state is a hindu corporate state in Arundhati's words and they need one for muslims of Kashmir. According to Arundhati and the supporters of separatists the Indian army in Kashmir is getting hold of people and kill them and or raping the women found there. It seems that they have no other duties than killing and raping. It is too clear that these are too big exaggerations of reality on the ground. I don't maintain that army and police are blameless but think that they are human enough to realize the enormity of such acts. They have families parents wives and children. Accuation does not see this at all.

In one of her latest articles published all over the web Arundhati says that neo-capitalist economy has raised the number of middle classes whose consumerist tendencies fueled the Indian economy while the poor increased. What does it mean? Our families should not have striven to raise up from poor? She has not given any relative number of population increase. I will stop the topic here.

I am to familiar with Outlook Weekly for years and was subscribing to it in the past along with many more such as India Today, Mainstream, Economic & Political Weekly, Manushi, Frontline etc including some Malayalam magazines. Nowadays I regularly open many of their web sites and try reading any interesting materials. My time for writing to magazines is gone and I don't aspire to be one.

Yours Appa.

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