Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Western History


By Arthur Herman.

This is a study in the history of west. Nay, it is study on the existing history writings for some decades and centuries. The author has narrated the writing of western historians from 18th centaury onwards also with references from ancient civilizations. Almost all historians of past were of the view that history is something cyclical, beginning, growth and decline. They did find several reasons some too fancy to explain the phenomena. One of the earliest a French thought that civilizations declined because of the loss of racial purity. He has reasons to believe that his on era is coming to an end due to the mixing of racially separated people. He talks of contamination that gives way to decline. The next is Nietzsche, the advocate of superman. Nazis fashioned on Nietzsche’s ideas. They viewed the current society as degenerate and wanted to bring out a total change. Marxism advocated the proletarian revolution to replace bourgeoisie since, that society has outlived its time. There are other historians.

Arthur Herman, has extensively gone thru the writings of all those famous and world renown whether they were historians and or literary giants such as Jean Paul Sartre, Norman Mailer etc. The list is long. He cites W.E.B.Du Bois, Marx, Freud H.G.Wells and Arnold Toynbee. All of them thou not of the same view, they all converge on one point that of decline of the civilization that they lived in. When they evaluate the situation, they point the material abundance but a so called scarcity of spiritual. The refer to cultural deficiencies compared to an earlier full life lived by ancients.

But what is culture? It is the way of living at the given era and the oral, written, painted and or sculptured artefacts and rituals associated with them. We in India take it as our temples, forts, palaces and their connected beliefs, practices. Of course the Vedas, puranas and temple lores are parts. The philosophical achievements are assumed to be our cultural heritage. We could easily subscribe to all these descriptions but with one reservation. Let us not think that only yesterday’s achievements are real and our’s of today an un-real. Our forefathers just not imitate their elders but also explored paths un-trodden. We today need the same opportunity to choose our way of expressing the present. There cannot be a set of values that are fixed for all time. Values change, moral and beliefs change. One is high and other is low or one is correct and other is wrong. Such concepts also change as the generations go bye. The mythology of people is proof enough to the changes taking place all the time. As far as the human society is concerned there could not be permanent decline. All declining civilizations in history did give way to new and comparatively higher ones. There are intellectuals who would like to go back to the natural state of Man.However, can we assert that there was a natural state of Man? If so what is that? The tribal? They are also evolved from some pre tribal set up. Yes, once man did live like all animals. Could any one go back to that state or wish to?

Once it was racial purity that was declining. At another it was vitality that was wanting. Then cultural quality, lack of morals, sexual preferences or sexual freedom and the latest multi culturalism and eco protection so on. Always idea of decline is viewed from standpoints other than economic viability and opportunity, scientific and technological achievements. And this is done with a set of dogmas.

In short The Idea of Decline in Western History by Arthur Herman is a matter of fact account of what historians surmised and envisaged for their current society in which they were living. He has not given his own views in an explicit manner. But readers could understand that the author is not pessimistic as the historians. It is a stimulating book with arguments for and against the idea of decline. Readers should find and answer the question of decline whether there is some truth or not.

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