Monday, June 07, 2010

Man & Wife by Tony Parsons.

The book was in top ten list for some time in Asian Age Sunday page. This is not a conventional fiction but a psychological and rational thinking on the crisis arising out of marriage, divorce, step sons, step daughters and ex-husbands, ex-wives. This fictionalised theoretical analysis of a complicated relations confused identities. At certain points the author highlights the acute and irreversible contradictions between individual players. However, there is no attempt at offering any solution to the critical situation. It is not at all convincing that the main protogonist has virtues that he claims for himself. His relations with his first wife were part of an unbroken tradition of fidility in marriage. Occassional dangling outside of marriage on the part, any two of the partners cannot unsettle a firmly established love relations. All the charecters in this novel are just some kind of hypocrates ultimately. Anyhow one may assume that this novel may be just a reflection of apoint of view espoused by certain groups of social activists who would like to meet with better individuals adjusted to the current state of affairs.

K.N. Krishnan.

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