Saturday, May 15, 2010

Mind of the Market by Michael Shermer

Review by K.N. Krishnan.

Though it is said to be about market economics I found it to be more about the evolution of minds, emotions, morality etc. He gives a lot of quotes from experiments and research on psychology and brain mappings i.e. ECG, MRI. He maintains that humans and before that primates, all evolved almost similar kind brains while humans today are more conscience than their ancestors on the evolution. I am reading this book for second time. Shermer comes to markets and argues for freedom and choice there in. The markets are not rational because the investors & consumers are mostly carried away by precedence and anxieties. As persons people might do good and expect the same from others. But ones circle is restricted to family, friends, random acquaintances and not all of them are experts in evaluating things or happenings.

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