Friday, December 24, 2010

George & Bhagwat

Admiral Bhagwat.

In these days, Admiral ‘Bhagvat’ is very much in the news as also the Defence Minister, George Fernandez. However, the minister is still in a sticky position unable to justify his action against the Naval Chief. Most of his charges boomeranged on his ministry and himself. A BJP enthusiasist and top defence consultant K.Subrahmaniam lambasted the ministry and the minister in his columns in Times of India in the recent past. The TOI carried a number of edits and articles critical on the ministry actions. On 8.4.1999, the paper carried a news feature by its sub-editor M.D.Nalapat who also is a BJP enthusiasist, extremely critical of the last press conference of the minister. In the same issue, there was a letter to the editor by the Samata Party spokesman praising the minister for all kind of achievements. There was news item, which said that Admiral Bhagwat challenged the minister, to prove his charges. This weeks India Today headlined “Swing or Sink together with George”. The government is asked for an answer.


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