Wednesday, September 08, 2010


LETTERS.(No. 1.)After Prophet cartoons the Fitna (29.3.2008) the reports said that the film is based on visuals from terrorist actions during the last few years and alleged texts from Koran that support them. Actions in the name of god and religion. It seems that all reactions are based on the fear of violence that might be resorted to by fanatical groups. Somehow the idea is getting popular that the fringe groups are the real representatives of any religious community at large. Their reactions are "just" and accepted as such. But is it so? Many Muslim countries were reported to have protested to the Dutch Govt. about the intended release of the film Fitna by one of their far right politicians Geert Wilder. When the Govt. is not a party to the act the protests sound political gimmicks to outsmart the fringe groups in their own countries. In the process they are legitimizing the fanatics' call. Both Afghanistan and Pakistan are in forefront of fighting against the fanatics in their own countries but at the same time they are on the side of fanatics in protesting against the film Fitna. In the history of religions including Islam there were debates on all contentious issues though no final conclusions were arrived in most issues. Such debates help clarify view points. The film Fitna also calls for more of such debates and not slamming them.
If the Muslim countries are serious about others respecting their religious beliefs they should start practicing it in their own lands. We all know many of the Muslim countries do not accept the right of other religious groups to have their own places of worship or public celebration of religious festivals. Saudi Arabia strictly enforces Islamic codes on other religious faiths. The latest example is that of Malaysia where the Hindu minority feels discriminated on all counts. (There were reports of decades old temples being demolished in the name of infrastructure developments) The European governments has gone far to contain the fanatics by not only disowning Fitna and its producer but influencing the websites from showing and or withdrawing the film from sites.This is in line with what we in our country have been doing to appease fanatical groups. The examples are, Taslima, many Ramayanas and the most recent exhibition on Aurangzeeb at Chennai.Finally all sane persons should agree with the contention of You Tube. "The diversity of the world in which we live - spanning the vast dimensions of ethnicity, religion, nationality, language, political opinion, gender and sexual orientation - means that some of the beliefs of some individuals may offend others." Let us not repeat the history of religious wars of the middle ages. Let us repudiate that legacy by accepting civilized dialogue and debates in this 21st century.K.N.Krishnan.

Dear Daddy,

Very nicely written article! I was discussing the same points with one of my Spanish friend and even with Akhil the other day which you have forwarded to the editor composing so nicely. It is really very much encouraging to see you engaging in such dynamic activities even today.

By the way I some how have my suspicion regarding the European Govts not being party to the act of protests against the Muslim fanaticism... isn't it a deliberate attempt to keep the muslims in dark or not allowing them to come forward in creating their own Voltaires as was asked by Miss Hirsi Ali to one of the host of a TV program on which a muslim scholar from Iran(I don't remember his name right now) had congratulated to Miss Ali saying that she is their little Voltaire. I don't know why but I strongly feel that non of the European Govts do not protest against the Muslim fanaticism not because they fear any revenge in return by the extremist groups but they simply want the muslims to be where they are. Moreover, almost all the major European countries are enganged in multi million dollar business in the middle east with countries like Saudi Arabia, the guardian of strict Islamic code, as you have rightly pointed out in your e-mail below, it means there are a great deal of vested interests of the European Govts which could be seen in jeopardy if protested against the muslim fanaticism. As per my perception, all of us, the ordinary people may have our own hypothesis and surmises as to what should the Europen or the Islamic countries do to straighten the current state of affairs. Like you have cited in your e-mail ..."
Let us not repeat the history of religious wars of the middle ages. Let us repudiate that legacy by accepting civilized dialogue and debates in this 21st century". Do you really believe such possibility? We can do it what you have said? I think it is not in our hands the strings of the marionettes are in the hands of the missionary like people or groups mentioned in the "Davinci Code" who really move the strings and we just keep on surmising. These all are my personal views and would very much like to have your opinion.

Yours loving,

Dear Govind,I went thru your mail and wish to say the following. There must be other reasons for the Euro countries to adopt a policy disowning anti-Muslim moves by their own citizens. I highlighted one that is currently in focus that is the threat of fanatical violence against innocent people both at home and abroad. The most important must be fear of cutting off oil supplies from middle east countries. But that never came to pass in all these years. Even the rabid anti-American regimes like that of Iran are exporting oil to all. There might be other economic considerations relevant. On the question of whether debates are fruitful and timely is one on which reasonable differences could be possible. The truth is that any move other than debates will take us back to the ages when every issue was decided by force of arms and bloodshed. The latest one is in Iraq where the most violent conflict is flaring everyday. It all shows that mutual debates to understand each others views even if they are on the opposite ends will help in pacifying anger. The debates might not bring any conclusions satisfactory to the opponents. But they might bring the realization in the minds of people to tolerate dissenting views without resorting to violence. We could find in history of ideas the fact that even when certain conclusions were arrived at certain times they were revised or even discarded in subsequent centuries and decades. The histories of religions also show how the original initiatives were overturned in later years resulting in factions. One Christianity split into several groups antagonistic to each other. The same happened in case of Islam as well. In India it was worse until the last two centuries. There were cults and groups who believed in the absolute truth of their way of life and worship. There were times when shaivaites and vaishnavites fought each other. In Tamil Nadu there were conflict between one sect of Ayyangars and other. The legend is something like this. The two sects of Ayyangars are: Thenkalai & Vadakalai the difference is in their Namam on their foreheads. One has a U with I inserted in. The other has the same with a tail attached to the U. You must have noticed these in the many TV news and shows. In today’s circumstances such differences doesn't attract attention even though each feels superior to other. Similar sectarian claims could be found among Palakkad Iyers and all other castes. However they have stopped being main differences. So on.
So continue with serious debates on differences at all levels that could pacify the atmosphere. The US elections 2008 are bringing in some such ideas in the democratic political discourse and welcome it. If they get acted by the next elected administration there will be such a vast change in the international situation favoring debates.Yours with lot of love,Daddy.

(No. 2.)
It is unfortunate that Ms. Taslima Nasreen has to run around this secular country for protection against the threat of Muslim fundamentalists who in fact form a miniscule body of the community. What is more shameful is the attitude and acts of the CPI (M) and its govt. in West Bengal. Instead of standing up to the threat of the fundamentalists both buckled and allowed the writer to seek fresh abode in other parts of India. Once in the past the Rajiv Gandhi Govt succumbed to fanatical fringe of the same groups and amended the constitution in order to deny maintenance to divorced Muslim women as ordered by our Supreme Court. The result of such abject surrender to Muslim fanatics paved the way for the Hindu groups headed by BJP to come to power. Similarly the CPI (M) has given up the secular space to communalists. Even if liberal minded Hindus come to the conclusion that secularism is sham idea one may not be surprised. The so called pillars of secularism crumbled at the first test against real communalism. It seems that Islamic fundamentalists became bold to act in West Bengal because of the misguided stand of the left supporting the Islamic regime in Iran in the name of anti-imperialism. The left Govt. in West Bengal banned Tasleema’s book Dvikhandito at the behest of the same forces. Then judiciary stood up to secure secularism and ordered the ban to be withdrawn. When in last year the Muslim fringe protested and threatened death to creators of the Prophet Cartoons communists were prominent in the crowd at Azad Maidan in Mumbai. While our own nuclear projects suffer from lack of technology and material the left constructed hurdles in the way of the Nuclear Agreement 123 again in the name of fighting American Imperialism but firm in supporting the Iranian efforts at becoming a nuclear power. The leaders of CPI (M) like Karat and Yechuri were bending backwards to wriggle out of a situation that is unconvincing. They acted to mollify the anger of communalists at the cost of secular values. The results could be predicted in advance. As in the aftermath of Sha Banu case the Hindu fundamentalists headed by their political outfit BJP will be the party to benefit from the left betrayal. No excuse and or correction could make amends to the situation. A final question. If communists could not stand up for secularism who else will?

However Tasleema is in good company with Rushdie, Hussain, and Ayan Hishie Ali. As in the case of the last who was given space by a far right think tank in US Tasleema is backed by the BJP spokespersons. They in fact demanded giving citizenship to her. Does this mean that only antagonists will protect the dissidents in other’s camp? The religious fundamentalist believe that those who were born in their faith have no choice but remain in it and not speak against it. At the same time they want to convert people from other faiths i.e. speak and act against other faiths. What a monstrous perversion!!

(No. 3.)

HT of 16.2.2008 had a letter by Andalib Ahkter claiming that "Most Indian Muslims are neither fanatics nor fundamentalists". Everyone will agree with this. But his next sentence gives a contrary idea. He writes "When somebody hurts their sentiments that too in their mother land, they will not tolerate it." If these two claims are true then the Muslim community is acting against the tenets of our constitution. I hope that only the first claim is true. In my 40 years of service and the another 20 years of retired life I had many Muslim friends and most of them maintained the view that no criticism or even blasphemy could change their faith and they are least bothered. As a fringe group in Maharashtra the MNS is capable of disturbing the life of city and parts of the state and similarly any fanatic group could organize violent demonstrations on the street and claim representative character to itself. Normal peaceful citizens are not carried away by such hate pronouncements. It will be good for this nation if people like the letter writer refrain from spurious arguments in favour of any one outfit that advertises itself as sole representative to speak on behalf of any groups of people. Thou he has not spelled it out his target was the hapless writer Taslima Nasreen. He seems to think that Taslima is expendable at the altar of fanatics in his religion. His reference to Mahasweta Devi, Arundhati Roy and Girish Karnad is frivolous as none of the three are remotely favour the idea propounded by him.

K. N. Krishnan.
(No. 4)
The feature by Shashi Tharoor on Sunday Times 23.3.2008 covered the recent developments that show the dark side of the national ethos. He is right in posing the quarry about the future of this country as secular democracy. More and more groups who for all these decades kept at sides has come out as spokesmen for hurt sentiments especially from the communal angle. There was a report from Punjab that the state govt. is ready to ban a purported Ramayana story going round which is said to be derogatory to Hindu sentiments. It seems to be some follow up to an earlier vandalism organised by the ABVP persons against many Ramayanas. However there seems to be some difference. While the Hindu outfits are indulging in violent acts the minority fanatics are ready to spill blood of dissidents like writer Taslima. Unfortunately there are very few of the well known liberal left who are prepared to cry outrage against minority communalism. It is the majority communalists who are the vociferous protesters against minority communalism.

The reported pronouncements of the SC “against the increasing tendency among litigants to file frivolous complaints against celebrities to garner cheap publicity” should be a warning to all political and non-political outfits who are masterminding such publicity in the press and public life. The people of India should take note of these fringe groups and shun them out of public life by voting them out in the elections. Both the governments and judiciary should castigate the self appointed moral and cultural police who disrupt public life from time to time.

The SC also reported to have observed that “These days unfortunately some people seem to be perpetually on a short fuse and are willing to protest often violently, about anything under the sun on the ground that a book or painting or film etc. has hurt the sentiments of their community.” “These are dangerous tendencies and must be curbed with an iron hand.”

Under the circumstances it sounds funny that CPI(M) who contributed most to the Taslima saga is proclaiming to form a third front of secular parties as against the Congress and BJP to fight the next elections. Which are these secular parties? DMK, AIDMK, SP, BSP, TDP and many more such as JDU, JD(S) etc.? None of them including communists are worried about safeguarding the enshrined constitutional principles like democracy and secularism. They are mainly concerned with grabbing power by hook or crock. We have witnessed the earlier mentioned parties aligning with one or the other mainline parties at state and federal level also jumping from one to other groups. CPI(M) itself aligned with unscrupulous elements in Kerala, Tamilnadu and other states.

There should be more and more liberal democratic elements coming out and campaigning against all anti-constitutional moves of political parties in order to expose them before the electorate. Then one might legitimately ask as to whom the citizens caste their votes. It is difficult to answer. My view is that the voters should be enabled to select individuals rather than political parties for the time being. This might bring a change in the mind set of politicians and in the long run only deserving outfits remain and others might fade out to the fringe.

K.N. Krishnan.
(No. 5)This is in ref: to A.G.Noorani's feature on 26.2.2008. Noorani has amassed an array of quotes and evidence for his contention that "the issue isn't always about freedom of speech but the refusal to respect diversity". Which or whose diversity? Only Islamic one in the western world? What about respect to diversity in the Islamic world? Are they the ideals to be emulated by the west? He brings about the significance of the veil as the expression of sexual modesty which by implication means that females without veil are immodest if not depraved sluts. Does Noorani believe that the European and American and other females are so. If counted there might be as many immodest females in all communities. Noorani mentioned the Satanic Verses by Salaman Rushdie and adduces evidence to condemn it as anti-Islam. Does Noorani claim that the Prophet had no number of wives and if from the present day standard it is undesirable to have more than one wife no one has a right to say it against the Prophet? Yes, Rushdie used cutting language to depict the scenarios but does it mean that the Islam might disappear from the face of earth by such criticism? Then why the fanatical fury? The same point could be made in case of Taslima Nasreen as well. But compared to Rushdie, she is too small. The argument favoured by Noorani will be a justification to attempts on life of these two authors and many more. I suspect that if that materialises Noorani may not be there to protest. What a fate of our liberal left?Noorani gleefully refers L.K.Advani in his support without bothering to expose the double standard adopted by the BJP and others in case of Taslima Nasreen. He is also blind to the effect of such appreciation towards Advani. Stretch a little the logic employed and one could find the voluminous writings of Noorani on Ayodhya and communalism infructious. He could see that it was the hurt feelings of a large section of our people that facilitated the demolition of the Babri Masjid. If sentiments are the criteria whether there were any solid history behind those claims or not then it is legitimate for BJP & others to demand the demolition of the Kasi & Mathura masjids.Unwittingly or so the liberal left is supporting and justifying the extreme fanatics in the minority community and also at international levels as in case of Iran. As they were making stringent criticism of majority communalism the same criteria should have been adopted in case of minority communalism and their manifestation in violence. Both the Congress and the left are losing secular ground to fanatics which are the worst results of their policies. K.N.Krishnan.

The secular space vacated by the Congress and left is being occupied by fanatical fringe groups. They might be Hindus, Muslims, Christian or others who would like sane persons to shut up their advocacy of free speech and expression. These groups are ready to resort to violence and terror as happened in case of Taslima Nasreen at Hyderabad and Kolkata on the one hand and PM’s daughter at Delhi University as recently happened. In the later case the objection is said to be to the writings of the late venerable Tamil and Sanskrit scholar A.K. Ramanujam. Not all the goons together with their leadership could be compared with the high scholarship of the writer Ramanujam. The perceived slight to their faith is reason enough for them to act violent. At an earlier occasion the SS groups vandalised cinema halls exhibiting the film “Fire” as being derogatory to their Hindu heritage and traditions.

By some strange logic the yesterday’s protesters turned out to be advocates of unlimited freedom of speech such as the MNS group. They were able to gather support from film artists and writers on their plea against the gag order on its leader. What a bizarre situation? Of course there is the analogy of Modi of Gujarat offering protection to Taslima against her tormentors.

There was a time when all the national politicians wanted Hindi to be the only national language when Dravidian parties in south went on agitating against it. That included today’s Marathi manoos group as well. But times are changing and today there is cry against Hindi in BMC. Noticing the fact that more and more regional outfits are claiming representative role and are displacing national and secular parties, one should be too optimistic to view the future of this nation as safe.


The other reported pronouncement of SC to the effect that “India is a union of states and there is only one nationality that is Indian” is timely one. It should hasten the decision on the part of the Congress Govt. to prosecute the perpetrators of violence against north Indians and others in the state of Maharashtra. The Vilasrao Deshmukh regime is indecisive even after so many weeks since the violent incidents.


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