Tuesday, December 28, 2010



On the TOI column, ‘Speaking Tree’ of 7.4.1999 carried a feature on the spiritual significance ‘Nataraja Shiva of Chidambaram’. It is an old pastime of ardent believers to ignore all history and concentrate on spirit only. Incidentally the article listed the temples where the deity Shiva is supposed to manifest in five forms of elements i.e. earth, water, fire, air, and void (sky). The temples are respectively:
1. Earth – Pridhvi: Kanchi
2. Water – Ap: Jambukeswar
3. Fire – Agni: Thiruvannamalai
4. Air – Vayu: Kalahasti
5. Void – Sky-Akash: Chidambaram.

In Tamil Nadu both Shiva and his son Murugan are important deities; but in North Murugan is not a deity in any important temples. How this difference is to be explained and what historical reasons? The early Tamil literature is full of shaivism that is much less in norther Sanskrit literatures. Similar is the Vaishnava cult spreading in south. Grant structures are built to house these deities like in Srirangam, Tanjavur, Rameswaram,etc. However, the north is mainly Krishna, Devi, Shiva, etc. and they are not comparable with all the southern ones. There might be studies why the difference in emphasis between the two regions. Kerala seems something completely different from other parts. It has its own temple architecture much different from the grand structures built in other parts of India. All these must have some historical roots and it will be fascinating to more details about them. Unfortunately, I did not have any book on this subject among my collections.

April, 1999.

Indus Sanskrit

TOI of 26.4.1999 carried a news item from Hyderabad that featured N.S.Rajaram, as having prepared a book claiming Indus Seals are written in Sanskrit in the form of cryptic sutras of Panini and some others. It is the same Rajaram who at an earlier occasion scripted and published two tracts namely ‘Aryan Invasion’ and Politics of History’. The Hindutva groups published them as part of correcting history. This time Rajaram teamed with a Vedic Sanskrit scholar Jha, in interpreting the signs in Indus Seals as that of Vedic ones.
If what Rajaram and his teammate Jha claimed to have unearthed evidence for interpreting the Seals; then there should be enough and more evidence to the Vedas being part of Indus Civilization. Shiva and Pasupati are commonly mentioned in Rig Veda. In it, it is Rudra or rather eleven Rudras. In Indus finds there are no evidence of Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Marut and Agni etc. the common divinities variously described in Rig Veda. One cannot accept the argument that during the IndusCivilization the Vedic divines were already disappeared. It will be an absurd contention. Moreover, the horse that is so much referred, praised in Veda is not supposed to be an animal native to India but found only very later in this land. That should have been the time for Rig Veda. Besides, the archeological findings from Indus do not include anything remotely connected with horse. If Sanskrit is the language of Indus people, they have to be the heirs of Vedic traditions. But they are not any prominent in Indus archeology.
The only motive for Rajaram to collaborate with Jha in preparing the book is to bolster up the communalist claim for the ancient Indus Valley civilization. There have been a good lot of such unfounded claims in the past, from supporters of Sangh Parivar ideology of Hindu Rashtra. Now they are propagating that their concept of Hindu religion is the one natural and universal in pre-historic times. While in other countries that natural religion i.e. Hindu succumbed to the propagation of Semitic ones; India did not go under them because of its original roots in India. According to Hindutva ideologues, there was no Aryan immigration toIndia but a reverse emigration from India to other countries including America in pre-historic times. No need of any evidence since Hindu is natural to all. Rajaram reminds that historians other than people like him did not find any literary evidence in Indus except its archeological remains. At the same time, they maintained that Vedic people did not leave any evidence other than literary ones. If according to Rajaram the archeological evidence of Vedic Aryans is Induscivilization itself. Then the problem starts as to why the two i.e. archeological and Vedic literary evidences do not tally each other in all phases. Literary evidence is for northern mountains and rivers (most of them could not be located with accuracy), the archeological evidences are confined to a vast area that could not be located in then Vedic literature. According to the propagandists of Hindutva, the Vedic times were earlier to Indus Civilization. If so, the question arises about the progress made in those literatures during nearly 2,000 years of Indus period. We have more knowledge on the literary output after the Indus than during. The horses that were in abundance in Vedic times are not traceable in Indus Valley for about 1,500 years. They cannot disappear just like that. Some evidence of horse was said to have found in the last years of Indus civilization. May be some are being imported by that time.
If the script found in Indus Seals is Sanskrit it should not have been forgotten by the later inhabitants. The Hindutva claim for an uninterrupted history tumbles necessitating Rajaram likes to re-invent the script. Only in cases of discontinuity or disappearance of civilizations, make scripts and language unintelligible. While Indus valley created an advanced urban living, there was a long gap thereafter to find urban settlements in India. Why did the people following Industimes did not take with them the advanced urban settlements? Indus had baked bricks and planned houses and streets. That legacy came about only some hundreds of years later.

June 1999.

Friday, December 24, 2010


Politics of identity in India by Gilles Chuyen (Manohar). This book is based mainly on interviews conducted by the author of number of brahmins at different ages and professions. They were clarified north and south, military civilian, orthodoxies and modern. The main point is on how all these brahmin groups perceive their own identity as brahmin and how they like others to perceive. There is claim for superior intellect, educational active men to dharmic practices. Conciously or not most of the brahmins interviewed equate the best perceived human behaviour with brahminic values.

By K. N. Krishnan.

George & Bhagwat

Admiral Bhagwat.

In these days, Admiral ‘Bhagvat’ is very much in the news as also the Defence Minister, George Fernandez. However, the minister is still in a sticky position unable to justify his action against the Naval Chief. Most of his charges boomeranged on his ministry and himself. A BJP enthusiasist and top defence consultant K.Subrahmaniam lambasted the ministry and the minister in his columns in Times of India in the recent past. The TOI carried a number of edits and articles critical on the ministry actions. On 8.4.1999, the paper carried a news feature by its sub-editor M.D.Nalapat who also is a BJP enthusiasist, extremely critical of the last press conference of the minister. In the same issue, there was a letter to the editor by the Samata Party spokesman praising the minister for all kind of achievements. There was news item, which said that Admiral Bhagwat challenged the minister, to prove his charges. This weeks India Today headlined “Swing or Sink together with George”. The government is asked for an answer.




More and more news are coming in the daily papers on the bizarre acts and behaviou of the AIDMK chief Jayalalita. At an occasion she blurted out that she is willing and aiming at becoming the Trime Minister, after scuttling the Vajapeyee coalition. But there are no takers for it as of now. Still, one cannot predict as to how the present political situation might develop. In the past Charan Singh of a minuscule party in UP became PM for a few months without any majority in Parliament. He resigned even without calling Parliament in session. Similarly, the one time socialist Chandra Sekhar sat on PM’s chair for some days and went down without getting confirmation from the Parliament. Once again such travesty of representative government can be manufactured with Jayalalita on the chai. The lady is too much of a naïve that when she reached New Delhi on 12.4.1999, she took a suite in Maurya Sheraton costing more than three thousands per night. She also had the audacity to bring along the much vaunted Sasikala, who is charged with corruption and assault, in number of cases filed in Chennai courts.
Who is going to be impressed by this exhibition of pomposity and splendor? We will know within the next few days. The lady in all respects deserves to be shut up permanently from the political life of the country. One might expect this to happen during the next general elections. There are too many small parties in states, who are utterly, shameless and unscrupulous in their dealings with each other. They are not only corrupting the political stage but also in their material life. The people like Ramamurthy, one time president of Tamil Nadu Congress formed his one man party named after Rajiv Gandhi and joined with the communal outfit in the centre in order to be in power. The fun of it is the name of this party connecting Rajiv Gandhi who could not associated with any communal tag.
There are many more outfits upholding communalist positions in the name of caste and region. They have joined the BJP in power for their sectarian interest alone. The story of George Fernandez is the most fitting example. The man at one time fired by noble ideological position, is today turned out to be obsessed with anti-Nehru family feelings. To uphold the same, he has sacrificed all his high ideals of socialism, when he was a vibrant trade union leader in Bombay. This transformation is something pathetic to watch today. He was the one who thrumpeted Pokran II as well as the Agni missiles. His outbursts show that these tests were ordered and undertaken not as part of any defence requirements but solely to subdue criticism in domestic political sphere, to the policies adopted under the BJP coalition government. Neither China nor US and any other country for that matter got scared of Pokran II and Agni.


BJP & Jayalalita.

One vote majority on 17.4.1999 voted out the BJP government. Almost all the comments around number by which the government failed. Some of the comments questioned the opposition as to their motive in voting the BJP out. There were comments as if the votes were in favour of Congress or in favour of corrupt Jaya. They specifically questioned the left about their anti-Congessism. None of them made any emphasis that the vote is really for or against the BJP led government and for or against Jaya or Congress. Some of the comments boarded on bizarre saying that there is visible alternative for a BJP led government. They also implied that a vote against it amounted to treason. There might not be any alternative as the vote was taken but the question could raised only after the result of voting. Just as in the case of AIDMK and DMK re-alignments might come in the other small parties based on the given situation. In the case of UP, Kalyan Singh created a majority for himself by purchasing legislatures from other sections against Mayawati. of BSP. Similar bargaining can be envisaged for an alternative government whether they succeed or not. AIDMK and DMK in turn demonstrated that in politics there are no friends and or enemies as far as the seats of power is nearer. The political outfits including left in the country convincingly demonstrated this. No one in opposition to the BJP alliance supports or justifies Jayalalita. On the other it was the high priests of morality, like BJP and Samata who did support and justified her up to last week. All the time they were hoping for Jayalalita to stay put with them. Suddenly, all those central government acts that allowed DMK’s Karunanithi against Jayalalita for corruption became null and void. DMK with its complicity in the Coimbatore blast case turned out to a moral model.
The hypocrisy of such behavior on the part of BJP combine is not a topic for commentaries. When the BJP all the while proclaimed loudly enough, theirs is an alliance earlier made for the last election and the present coalition is just a natural follow up. But it is being hidden today that the BJP-AIDMK joint front is a pre-election formulation with a promise to be together in government. It is the just and correct morality on the part of the BJP to resign from the government as soon as the alliance broke up. The AIDMK is the second largest in the BJP coalition next to its tally. they disregarded the brake and continued to depend on some speculative majority that would come out in support of their government. It was too cynical a hope and assertion. Still they have not learned the lesson that support and dependence on Jayalalita is not desirable but part of a power game. When commentators try to blame left parties who oppoed the BJP led government for being supportive of a corrupt Jayalalita, they are fostering a big lie on the public. Just prior to the election BJP used the glamour of corrupt Jayalalita with a promise to bring down the DMK for not keeping law and order in the state. There were repeated suggestions to remove DMK rule, which did not materialize, not for reasons of want. The BJP’s claim to be the principled is as immoral as that of Jayalalita claim for it.


Karen's Book on God.

4000 Year Quest of Judaism, Christianity and Islam By Karen Armstrong.

This book is too fascinating on the ideas and concepts of god thru the ages mainly among the three Semitic religions and people professing them. Historically Judaism followed pagan rites, then Christianity. The beginning is antithetical. The Islam was not an outgrowth from Christianity. But an independent one from the pagan and savage surrounding of the Arabia. Karen finds an Arial age in ancient history between 800 & 200 BCE when people inhabiting known civilizations formed an idea of god an all encompassing power, indescribable energy a god. That is not knowable and so on. Such ideas were developed in Vedic & Upanishad period in India. Buddhism is a clear manifestation of that idea. At last, it was nothing a construct from the minds of people in deep thought. After more than closely typed 400 pages of the book, Karen comes to the conclusion that people need a god but that god is not the one understood and accepted by the man of faith. The God of the masses was a simple entity like themselves with likes, dislikes, hate, envy, benevolence and punishment.

It looks like from Karen's treatise that god is construct of mind of thinking people under given historical times/periods. Those who wield political power used and misused the then prevailing ideas of god to subjugate people as well to expand their dominions. All of history witnessed the fight between people and nations professing different ideas of their gods. However, Karen did not dwell deeper into the phenomena. She pointedly skipped thru them the crusades, witch-hunts, anti-Semitism and religious wars. She gives more space to individual emanations or revelations that formed cults and formations from time to time. The theological literatures were created, to show that the idea of god is not something uniform. The god is not an objective entity coming out of logical arguments but a closed and subjective experience.

She gives more importance to Sufism and Mysticism, contemplation and devotion i.e. Dhyan & Bhakti in Indian term. There is an emphasis on the need for guidance from a teacher i.e. guru to initiate to the mystic ways. She introduced some of them revealing in trance. I think we do have such men and women in past as well as today in India. The Bhakti saints in Tamil and Hindi, Bengali Ram & Krishna bhaktas were experiencing a kind of divine presence chaitanya danced all the way from Bengal to Vrindavan, Meera sang and danced thru Rajasthan. The author of Geeta Govindam, Shri. Jayadeva and his wife Padmavati danced through forests, villages and cities of Orissa. All such saints had and still have followers. But they are not the dominant trend in Hindu communities. They are occasional. The predominant trend in all religious communities is that of a domesticated god. A god at home to pray to complain to grieve and console. Contemplation is a rare. Communal religious observations are the norm. Karen touched upon none of these in her book. Ofcourse her book is not about the Hindu gods or anything Indian. The entire contents of this book is on the subject how some few men invented, constructed and sold a god of their need that the mass lay persons accepted and followed. There were changes even contradictory that came about in certain historical circumstances. Since, no ideas and constructors could be held fixed and permanent so the concept of god even & of changing back and forth. There were movements that gripped sections of society at times and packed thru times. Only the personalized gods carrying the contradictory characteristics continued to be acceptable. Personalized gods carried hate & revenge. At the end of her treatise, Karen deplores the manifestation of fundamentalism during the current decade. This god is abhorrent and detestable and she declares herself against such a god. She advocates a universal god of love and compassion. She has no road map for that. Her universal god seems to be multi cultural and multi ethnic. I fear that any multi cultural god will invite new conflicts. Let us admit that at much of international conferences on religious amity the various religions, leaders accept oneness of the teachings of all religions but no one of their followers practice any such precepts. Each of the religions wishes and wants to be dominant universally above all others. If religious teachings are of universal value and complementary why not we consciously try and evolve some universal practices as part of religious functions and festivals. Karen seems to think that god has something to do with ethics and morality meaning there by that there are unchanging ethical and moral rules given not by human experience but by god. This is mis-leading and denial of god and religion will not result in chaotic or anarchic society. 4000 years of god did not bring a just society neither it brought love among humans.

In the 4000 year of its history the idea of god though conceptualized to bring order and harmony in society, in fact brought disharmony, hate, conflicts, murders and assassinations all thru Karen Armstrong recognizes all these still she hopes idea of god as benevolent and compassionate fascinates her. She also approves the concept of god as contemplated by Yogis, mystics and Sufis. She does not venture into an alternative way of living without any god or religion. Living beings except humans have not professed any religion. Still there is an order in their living when the order is upset for whatsoever reason or cause the specie die out or get mutated to survive. Humans need not assumes to have any special role bestowed by god. Just because the idea is too ancient doest not mean that is real. More ancients died out

Review By:

K.N. Krishnan

Monday, December 20, 2010

Sign of Change.

Sign of Change.

Re-assuring developments that will eventually get the country out of an eventual future are showing signs nowadays. The TOI on 2.4.1999 carried an article on its edit page, from the Arya Samajist saint Swami Agnivesh. It is about a multi religious pilgrimage to visit the slain Stains place in Orissa. The priest Stains and his children in their teens were burned alive by the RSS Parivar followers. Soon after news was public, everyone in the RSS Parivar that include the political leaders in BJP, were rationalizing the gruesome crime, as a response to the alleged prosylytation activities on the part of Christian missionary. Even the highest i.e. the BJPs PM joined it in his own way by suggesting, discussions of conversions in the country. Arun Shourie a real representative of the Parivar was fulminating against conversions of tribals by Muslims and Christians. The re-conversion resorted to and organised by the Parivar are extremely farcical. It was reported that some tribals who earlier converted themselves to Christian faith were re-converted to Hindu. It may be that they were re-converted to be the same tribals since; no caste is converted to another in Hinduism. The caste is by birth even if one changes one’s profession the person remain in his caste by birth. But the tribal were not part of the four Varna’s. They were outside of Hindu caste system and were called panjamas i.e. fifth groups. Arun Shourie at one stage claimed that Brahmins are not born but created on attainment of wisdom. The least he must be able to do is select and name some of those created ones from any part of India. No one will be coming forward and get accepted by other Brahmins if they are not born as one. There are highly learned people born in non-Brahmin castes but not recognised or accepted as Brahmin. Even the greatest of them Sri Narayana Guru of Kerala though much more learned in Vedic and other sacred texts and himself a Sanskrit philosopher poet was/is not accepted in their fold by any Brahmin group in Kerala or outside.
Aside from these arguments, there are signs of people changing their attitude towards communal forces in politics. The real test will later this year when many states will go to their assembly elections.
April 5, 1999.

Eminent Historian a Review

Eminent Historians by Arun Shourie.

After reading 118 pages in this book one finds little to applaud the author. This book is written in the same vain as his journalistic writings. His target is ICHR (Indian Congress of Historical Research) for all un-completed jobs as if writing history is some instant cooking noodles. Every history is too complicated and crowded with contradictions and they do not allow being charectarised as positive or negative. The charge is that the historians staffing ICHR are bunch dishonest persons, motivated to make money at public expense. He himself admits that the amount used or spent by ICHR are not comparable to the scams that are getting into media almost everyday. In one of the chapters, Shourie concentrates his derisive criticism exclusively on some selected passages from West BengalGovernment circular on history textbooks. According to this, there are advices to delete and or alter texts motivated to avoid any characterization of communal enmity between Hindus and Muslims. Shourie says that such matters are kept out of textbooks ostensibly to protect young minds from being influenced by communalism and the resultant tensions and or violence. The author argues against such a policy. According to him, the misdeeds of the Muslim rulers against Hindus and other religions should be thought in the schools. In this connection, one thing comes to mind. The BJP rulers in Maharashtra trotted an alibi that divulging the Srikrishna Commission report to the public will result in inflaming communal feelings and therefore disturb peace in the society maintained so far. The fidelity to tell truth that Mr.Arun Shourie projected in his present work, did not make him advocate for the truth contained in Srikrishna Commission report to be made public. Even today, he is silent on this suppression of the report by the government in which his party is associated. This shows that his advocacy of freedom is too selective and biased towards one community alone.
The author was quoting passages from historian Satish Chandra’s history textbook for high school in a derisive language. He gives no authentic citation from sources independent of the ruling parties but from ‘evidence’ collected by another communalist ‘historian’ Sitaram Goel. He also tries to make use of writings and speeches from Dr. Ambedkar completely forgetting or keeping them hidden that unto the very recent past, communalists of the SS and Paivar were sprouting venom on the same Ambedkar for his writings and speeches condemning Hinduism. The Maharashtragovernment manned by SS and BJP combine succeeded to keep the published works of Dr. Ambedkar out of reach to the public. The earlier Congress government was publishing the works. There was a violent agitation headed by the two opposing naming of Nagpur University to Dr. Ambedkar University. Of late, they realized that opposing Ambedkar is alienating the dalit and poor from them. Only political expediency made them to recognise Ambedkar for reasons other than merit. Still there are pockets from where such communal opposition to Ambedkar comes out. As for the West Bengal example of ‘re-writing history’ books it is nothing in comparison to the ‘re-writing’ of history undertaken by the BJP headed government in UP and Rajasthan. One cannot expect Mr. Shourie pontificating against these concoctions. They say that the whole world was Hindu before the spread of Christianity and Islam.
While Shourie praises his communalist teacher Sitaram Goel for his meticulous collection of so called writings from Muslim period, he has refrained himself from inspecting so called historical writings in the same way as his own ‘Eminent Historians’. Ofcourse when communalists write history there need no confirmation from other independent sources. When those ‘historians’ claim that during the Muslim period, so many temples were destroyed from North to South, from West to East and they are supposed to include the famous Ujjain temple, the Puri temple, the Rathambore temple etc. they cite the elegies written by the court historians of those Muslim rulers. There are no mentions of any archeological findings on the destruction of so many temples of yore. It should have been an obligation on any historian dealing in remote pasts. We all know court historians of ancient period’s eulogized kings in Sanskrit writings. If idols taken out of Hindu temples were broken and used as stepping stones in mosques here and abroad there will be enough archeological remains that could support such claims. The court history should not be taken for granted.
The quotations from Swami Vivekananda and Ambedkar are entirely misleading. At no time, the Swami justified or rationalized the communal practices on the part of Hindu militants or fanatics. Dr. Ambedkar all through his life opposed Hinduism as a blatant manifestation of Brahmin jingoism. He at places compared it to fascism. Vivekananda wanted a complete reform and transformation of the Hindu religion and customs and for this he established or helped to establish a new order called Ramakrishna Mission, which today is not considered as traditional Hindu though they teach ancient Hindu scriptures like Veda and Upanishads. As for Arabindo, he led a completely new order that also is not accepted fully into the mainstream Hinduism. When it is to his liking Shourie quotes Dr. Ambedkar against the “eminent historians” for instance in case of Muslim rule. However, he studiously avoids quoting Ambedkar against K.M.Srimali on beef eating in ancient times. Dr. Ambedkar has quoted chapter and verse from several vedic literature including Rigveda to say that beaf was eaten in those times. The moderator or coordinator of the program Apki Adalat and those who challenged Srimali did not look into Ambedkar´s works. At the least one expected Shourie to have read the works of Ambedkar as a Magsaysay award winning journalist before asserting himself that there are no references in Vedic literature to beef eating before branding Srimali as a charlatan. Srimali at his age may not be remembering all those references listed in Ambedkar´s writings. So who is practicing suggeso veri supresso falcy?
Arun Shourie who at one time fulminated against Indira Gandhi for declaration of emergency as fascism in reality, continues to be the avid spokesman for Hindu fascism as very well documented and characterized by Dr.Ambedkar,
in the same volume from which he quotes portions against the “eminent historians.
It is beneath one to go on reading Arun Shourie . half way through it is clear that he through his charges and assertions not only tries to debunk Marxist historians but Marxism as an ideology and philosophy. His only evidence is distorting and quoting them out of context.
However, he cannot get away from the facts that mainly economies govern almost every thing. All measurements are based on the economies of individuals, society, state etc. he cannot refute the fact all progress, economic, social and others go through lower to higher, simple to complex through conflict between opposites. his prejudices and mental blocks are exhibited all through the pages of this book. When derides the Marxist historiography, he did not look back and pause that the same descriptions and epithets can be hurled at him and his writings. He has just used his having got the Magsaysay award to churn out a lot of treatise that are just prejudices. When he cited the comments of Dr.Kosambi on the context of Gita, he hides that Dr.Kosambi is not explaining the teachings of Gita but the historical context in which it is given. The contradictory teachings of Gita were analysed. Shourie is too abusive to say, what is history and the discipline needed to train oneself to be a historian. He interprets all critical writings through his imperatives. He did not accept that there are no absolutes in history and it is more firmly reflected in Indian history as well. He seems to think and claim that Hindu history is some thing different than that of universal history. It was not a discovery of Marx or Marxists that all history is the history of struggles between classes.
According to Shourie there were no tribals or any original inhabitants in India. According to him the description of people as Aryan, Dravidian and adi-vasi are of foreign origin but he firmly defends himself to be a Hindu a nomenclature that itself is foreign Arabic. Even the Smriti texts describe the people of India in different names having possessed of different duties, marking them apart from caste Hindus. In ancient times there was no one word describing all the people ofIndia.
History it seems developed and developing according to unstated Hindu tenets since, it is a product of some superior wisdom of the ancient seers or Rishies. The knew, what God wanted and they in turn disseminated the commands of the God. Shourie subtly appropriated the findings of Harappa and Mohanjo Daro civilizations without giving any firm evidence. He discounts the battles described in Rig Veda as a concoction of Marxian historians in opposition to Hindu religion. He without ceremony claimed that all ancient scientific developments are Hindu disregarding the facts that there were mutual give and take between all ancient civilizations. Although the astronomer Aryabhata observed that the it is the earth that goes around the sun and not otherwise. However, how many of his Hindu contemporaries and all those later generations accepted this discovery and followed it with further findings? The discovery was hidden from the masses of people by other learned men. They even did not mention it in their writings. Instead of astronomy, the mumbo-jumbos of astrology sways the Hindus in all their activities even today. Rahukalam, Gulika kalam, Yamakandakam, Soolam and such like could be noted in all published almanacs and calendars. That is our Hindu tradition and legacy and not Aryabhata’s scientific pursuits. While he misquotes and misleads about Dr.Kosambi on his stringent criticism of the communalists, he fails to inform us that his new found idol Dr.B.R.Ambedkar was more severe in his criticism of Hindu religion, its scriptures, its heritage and legacy. When he castigates people with Marxist leanings on the basis of that “GOD THAT FAILED” for their repudiation of Hindutva communalism, he has to keep himself silent about the thoughts and writings of Ambedkar except his outright criticism of Muslim rule. So he wrote a tome denigrating Ambedkar on his stellar role in drafting the Indian Constitution. According to Shourie the bureaucrat B.N.Rao, ICS was the real author of our democratic constitution. Even so it was Ambedkar who steered the Constitution Assembly to adopt the Constitution all the way. So that is Shourie telling his truth. Recklessness, thou name is Shourie!
He may even deny that his first major critical writings on the emergency regime of Indira Gandhi was first published in a magazine named “Seminar” a monthly from Delhi, owned and edited by Ramesh Thapper, who was prominent as a committed leftist and edited a weekly journal, “Cross Roads” when Communist party’s own journal came to be closed in Bombay after the congress of the CPI in 1948.
When he questions critical passages about Hindu fundamentalism and the consequent communalism, Shourie makes out that the critic’s criticism is on Hindu religion and its followers. It is the most dishonest canard propagated by him in almost all his writings. His evidence in support of condemning communism is that all of them upheld Soviet Union and its activities uncritically. At the same time he ignore the ant-fascist stand of the communists and all other leftists. Shourie is dishonest in not divulging in his writings that the RSS his own spiritual head is enamored of Nazism of Hitler, Mussolini and Franco. The RSS itself is modeled in uniform and weapon (lathies in case of RSS) wielding Nazi troupe parading in open spaces. The writings of the RSS bigwigs as well as the Hindu Mahasabha never fought against British imperialism in its days. They lined up with British during the quit India agitation in 1942-43 just as communists but for differing reasons. Even today people like Thakre of Shiva Sena has only praise to Hitler and the Nazies.
Shourie will not accept that one of his early forerunner was the assassin of Mahatma Gandhi, Nathuram Godse a high class Brahmin by birth and brought in the traditions of Hindu fundamentalism.
While deprecating Marxist historians for their contention that as of today the Aryan immigration is more real than otherwise, has deliberately kept himself away from mentioning that the Aryans were a race from artic, in Tilak’s historical study “Artic Home of the Aryans”. This book was written and published much earlier than any so called Marxist started writing history. Dishonesty seems to be a stock in trade with Shourie. He uses a slight of hand trick in dealing with texts from Marxist historians. When he quotes from them, he does not allow the quote to speak themselves as to whether they constitute any offence that he attributes to them. He goes on interpreting and commenting on those quotes, by slipping in his own words in between and twisting the meanings to his characterizations. It is a degrading experience to read them. At one point he quotes from a Pakistani tract and makes out that the understanding is at variance or some are in keeping with the Marxist reading of the history. He concedes the fact that reading of history between different schools might carry similarities, which does not signify any other than different views.
When Shourie questions the conduct of the communists during 1942 quit India movement, he puts a mantle of a nationalist who took part in the movement. But it is history that neither there forefathers in Hindu Mahasabha or RSS participated in the movement. Shourie tries to appropriate quit India movement led by Mahatma as a Hindu movement. So his love for truth in telling history stands exposed. He is a charlatan pretending to be very intellectual. Surely, he seems to be popular with and approvingly quoted and referred by all Hindu communalist outfits. When he quotes national leaders against communists, one might suspect that he is a part of those leaders. But the fact is that he is an un-repented foe of all national leaders unless they show some fringe communalism. Sardar Patel, Rajendra Prasad, Gandhiji are quoted only if they can be interpreted in favour of Hindu and against Islam. Shourie’s own ideological senior Nathuram Godse found Mahatma as an evil, a concealed Mussalman fit to be killed for the safety of Hinduism itself. Shourie’s book is a rehash of all the arguments and theories propagated by Hindu fundamentalists of yore from Savarkar, Golwalkar and others. Savarkar was not crude and irrational compared to Golwalkar or Shourie. Sure, there were some in the national movement who were Hindu communal but were very restrained and sophisticated in their sayings.
Todays Shouries are drunk with power that came through the BJP led coalition at the centre. Shourie is an avatar of Herman Goaring the Nazi propagandist. Repeating lies and half truths are natural to their propaganda schemes. Shourie is just following those foot trips. All his arguments in favour of a Hindu interpreting Indian history, were successfully and satisfactorily refuted by historians of all creeds during the days of struggle for independence and in the succeeding decades. Why did Shourie take up subject today? There is only one reason that all the communal propaganda unleashed so far has not shaken the foundation of secularism in Indian masses. He is trying to separate secularists and Marxists and blame the later for distorting history. According to Shourie denigration of Marxism automatically down grade secularism itself. When we read this book one might feel that the struggle against British rule was Hindu origin and others had little or no part in it.
The way in which Arun Shourie explains his Hindu position the time may not be too far when they will encounter very extreme reaction from other communities. There will be demands for a second partition. More Pakistan may become necessary in the future. How the Hindu communalists will face that situation? Can they pack all the Muslims, Christians and other religious people to some other part of the world and how? Will it be accepted as a solution by world communities? Do they think that minorities could be silenced permanently, in our own country and there will be no reacton from anywhere abroad? It looks like maddest reasoning on our part to envisage such futures. Only time will tell.
I feel sorry for repeating harsh words in relation to Shourie. They came due my sensitivity to the upbeat dishonesty displayed by him in this book.

March 1999.

Hindutva Claim.

Hindutva Claim.

People preaching Hindutva fantasies as history who advocate that ancient Indians are Hindus are averse to call themselves Aryans, even though that name is an accepted one in Veda and other sacred texts. May be because of the stigma attached to the word Aryan through its association with Nazies? They cannot claim any specific character for the ancients that are not with others. They established civilizations similar or with some difference in many geographical areas. It is appoint to consider that there are not convincing and connecting evidence between Indus Valley civilization and the later Gangetic one. This fact is completely obscured by those ardent advocates of Vedic people being indigenous and that include Indus Valley as well. If there are evidences to show that their habitats were outside, the same evidences could be interpreted as spreading from inside to outwards. The gaps between Mohanjo Daro and Harappa compared to Vedic is so great that they demarcate two different civilizations in the period of Indian history. There are very few similarities than disparities in them. While all others agree that, the Harappans are pre-Aryan i.e. pre-Vedic the pariavar believe that the Vedic is pre-Harappan much earlier than Mohanjo Daro and Harappa. The difficulties encountered in such presentation are either kept in silence or dismissed as imaginations. They are strenuously trying to explain away that the urban manifestations of Indus Valley as natural development from Vedic times. But so much are awaiting explanations in order to establish a firm foundation to the claim. Some of them try to find Vedic rituals and practices in some aspects of Harappan life. However, they seem to be not sure of themselves in their conviction. All of them do agree that the two periods are separated through years. Very selected features found in later Hindu life like Shiva and Shakti cults are ascribed to Indus Valley and thus Vedic.
If Mohanjo Daro and Harappa are the continuation of an uncertain Vedic past, they should show much more sign of the knowledge of the vast Vedic legacies starting with Rigveda. The reason might be that the Vedic lore is already past and mostly forgotten in between. Even though that there are no known literary evidences, the archeological evidences available show that the Harappan was a development from low to high going through several faces from food gathering to agriculture and then to an urban face. The development exhausted for unknown reasons and finally buried in the banks of rivers in Panjab. The present finding are that even during the period of its decline the Indus Valleydevelopments expanded to a very large part of north and west India. They also came to an end due the decline at the centre. The period is estimated to be some two millennium. Te later period started with low level developments and went on to form the highly urbanized Mauryan period and so on. Since; the continuity are very much visible and recorded in history by several sources. All these show the so called Hindu and Vedic became wide in the country in later years and not much earlier. If we accept that, the Vedic was earlier than Harappa there is no clinching explanation for the complete elimination of urban signs such as horse. One cannot hold a view that the horse which was in abundance in Vedic lore disappeared from that part ofIndia in the succeeding two millennium of the Indusperiod. They reappeared in the later decades. Still more studies are required to get at the real history of horse inIndia.

April 1999.

Friday, December 10, 2010


Akhil Dearest,

We are just keeping ourselves well up to now. Personally things are OK. However, political and social life outside in turmoil. The parliament is not functioning at all. Scam after scam is coming into light some of them are vastly exaggerated. One re-assuring development is that the SC has taken cognizance of some of them and monitoring the investigations. Still the contempt of court case against the activist lawyer Mr. Bhushan points certain low points in the SC selections and functioning. All these are going on at a time when international media is abuzz with wikileaks and Assange. So far the leaks are seemed one sided emanating from and to Washington. There are no reasons to believe that all of them reveal facts and not fancies from the writing persons. The media is too crowded nowadays. What I perceive for our future India is foggy. Self righteous Congress is losing sympathy from all uncommitted people. The congress in fight is not just unprincipled but corrosive. The have no other motivation than personal wealth and bank balance. In the melee the communal and caste based ones are gaining ground. Wait for the next election when it happens.


Rituals as learning tools

The man who sells a television set does not tell you the intricate scientific principles that make it work.

He simply places a remote in our hands with an instruction booklet. Reading it, even a lay person who has no knowledge of science is able to tame the images, sound, brightness and colour, and switch channels by pressing buttons.

Many of us are not aware of how a mobile telephone functions but we are conversant with basic rituals like dialing a number, scrolling, typing a message – thereby helping us to communicate, send and receive messages.

Pure science abounds in theories, concepts, abstraction and perhaps even speculation. Technology reaches science to our doorstep. Technology is the external face, the outward expression of science.

Identical to the above is the relation betweenspirituality and religion. Religions are outward expressions of spirituality. They have evolved over time and each religion has its own constituency of followers.

Like science, the goal of spirituality is to help efface our problems and improve the quality of our lives. The difference exists in time dimension and vision. While science broadly deals with problems one by one and that which are external in nature, spirituality seeks to strike at the root of all problems that is embedded in our ignorance of the true purpose of life and inability to recognise the true Self.

While applying science to our lives we perform various rituals without questioning how it works because the 'how' has already been taken care of by those who formalised it. The rituals go hand-in-hand whenever technology-based appliances are in use. A religion, too, prescribes rituals, which are to be viewed in the light of the above. A religion adapts spirituality and enlists some easy steps for consumption and benefit of people.

If you are inclined to study and learn about science – understand theories and formulae and how things work – and you have the commitment, drive and a sense of urgency and adventure to explore and discover truths, then, you could similarly pursue spirituality, to plumb the depths of metaphysics.

It is irrational to reject or run down any ritual only because we have not understood it. Every ritual has been evolved with a great deal of thought and experience, in order to enhance physical and mental well being that will contribute towards spiritual uplift.

Taking three sips of water called aachamanam was intended to boost one's immunity. Touching various parts of body as part of prayer rituals was done to activate, in the process, nerve endings at these places. The various mudras expressed during chanting of mantras or dance are based on the principle of acupressure.

The sitting posture advocated in most kinds of yoga helps keep the spine erect to facilitate free flow of energy. Offering fruits, leaves and flowers during puja symbolizes purity, for the plant kingdom is one of the few life forms that procreates without sexual exchange, as we understand it. In this manner, religious rituals mostly do have an underlying meaning and significance that might have been forgotten over time, leaving us with form but bereft of the essence.

All the same, being struck in rituals life-long is like building new bridges every day and not crossing them.

Religious rituals are usually purification exercises designed to propel one towards refinement. They are not meant to add to the already swollen repertoire of our desires. Once true knowledge is gained, rituals can be abandoned, as they would have served their purpose. While science aims to enhance the comfort of human life, spirituality teaches us how to be comfortable with what we have. That is the difference.
The above feature could be dismissed as some wearisome prattle of a true (?) practicing Brahmin. However, I wish to question him on all his claims and that follows below:

(The above are some wonderful but idiotic explanations for Brahmanic rituals practiced by many in our community. One might hope that those who teach those rituals i.e Vedic priests might know the meanings and source theories behind them. He admits that scientists do know how and why their technologies work. In anticipation of such questions, like how his rituals work; the writer has an answer ready made, to make his idea clear by saying “In this manner, religious rituals mostly do have an underlying meaning and significance that might have been forgotten over time, leaving us with form but bereft of the essence.”
While he makes a lot out of puja rituals as being “Offering fruits, leaves and flowers during puja symbolizes purity, for the plant kingdom is one of the few life forms that procreates without sexual exchange, as we understand it.” He left out those pujas to various devies and deities in Tamil Nadu & Kerala where the offerings are not flowers and fruits but animals’ blood both large and small ones i.e fowls, goats, buffaloes and others. Many such rituals were shown in TV channels. A few months back “Utpal Parashar in Hindustan Times, November 25, 2009 reported, 25,000 buffaloes sacrificed in Nepal. One..five…20…100…500…1000. One lost count as nearly 25,000 buffaloes were sacrificed at Gadhimai Mela in Bara district of southern Nepal bordering India on Tuesday.”
“Taking three sips of water called aachamanamwas intended to boost one's immunity.” This ritual is exclusive to Brahmins only; a minuscule part of Hindus. If compared to world population they simply count for nothing. The writer seems to think that there is no need to show any evidence to his claim that 3 drops of water contain ingredients to boost one’s immunity. He should apply for patenting the ritual ‘aachamanam’ and earn enough to himself and all his future progenies. All the countries of the world could get rid of HIV and all other viruses from their affected population and keep others protected. There is a caveat that the ritual is exclusive to Brahmin and so how it could be extended to others?
However, he comes to paradigm conclusion “All the same, being struck in rituals life-long is like building new bridges every day and not crossing them.” He says: “Once true knowledge is gained, rituals can be abandoned, as they would have served their purpose.”
What is true knowledge? I have not come across any spiritual or other scholars whose claims were tested scientifically. They talk about contemplation and meditation. These are testable and therefore being tested extensively by neuro scientists. The short conclusion is that all inner knowledge is limited to known knowledge and other experiences are simple fantasies fit to fiction. This writer seems to be completely ignorant of such experiments.

“While science aims to enhance the comfort of human life, spirituality teaches us how to be comfortable with what we have. That is the difference.” This gentleman may be thinking that science feeds on avarice but being comfortable is spiritual. What is our spiritual legacy and wherefrom it did manifest? Who will be in a position to give us an answer? Brahmins were considered superior in all respects including their spiritual attainments since undefined ancient times. In addition, there are historical records that showed their avarice in grabbing power in their hands. They must have felt comfortable in their achievements rather than in spirituality. This attitude continued more or less strong at all times until this day.
People like the columnist should refrain from misleading others through misreading the means and aims of science and or spirituality. What appalls me is that of distressingly highhanded view that he completely kept silent on the several strains of religious and nonreligious ones; other than his own Brahmanic one.

“If you are inclined to study and learn about science – understand theories and formulae and how things work – and you have the commitment, drive and a sense of urgency and adventure to explore and discover truths, then, you could similarly pursue spirituality, to plumb the depths of metaphysics.” [The emphasis.]

The writer is advocating pursuit of spirituality a kind of profession to be learned and followed just like science. He accepted that science has some purpose to serve. But what purpose is served in pursuing spirituality? The purpose of science is to benefit entire human community, environment including animate inanimate ones. The spirituality advocated benefits only self not even his near ones. Then when all human individuals go for spirituality; the world could come to an end automatically. Then all bliss will descend on all.

“spirituality seeks to strike at the root of all problems that is embedded in our ignorance of the true purpose of life and inability to recognise the true Self.” Although the writer seems to be a Brahmin advocating brahmin rituals to understand the ‘true purpose of life’ he is too ignorant to consult one of the most significant Suktam from Rigveda
[10-129] HYMN. Nasadeeya Suktam.

6. Ko ahdhaa veda ka iha pravochad | kuta aa jataa kutha iyam visrishti: |
Arvag deva asya visarjanena | Adhaa ko veda yada aababhoova ||

6 Who verily knows and who can here declare it, whence it was born and whence comes this creation? The Gods are later than this world's production. Who knows then whence it first pravochat came into being? Griffith’s translation.

Who knows or who could declare from what time it was born or why and whence this creation. Even gods could not know since they manifested late. May some one know or no one knows. (Mine.)

7. Iyam visrishtiryatha aababhoova | Yadi va dadhe yadi va na |
Yo asya adhyaksha: Parame vyoma manthaso anga veda yadi va na veda ||

7 He, the first origin of this creation, whether he formed it all or did not form it,
Whose eye controls this world in highest heaven, he verily knows it, or perhaps he knows not.Griffith’s.

How this creation did came forth, whether some one did it or no one. He the one superintending it from high heavens may know it or he may not.(Mine)


Africa, Philosophers

Oct.17.2010 Sunday
The African philosophers you've never quoted

Modern African philosophers are challenging the racist undercurrents of Western philosophy and waging a battle to gain legitimacy for the diverse tradition of African thought, which is often dismissed as 'religion' by the ex-colonial mainstream, reports Malvika Tegta

Malvika Tegta

Africa had little time to breathe between the departure of the colonisers and the arrival of global capitalism. So, even as its thinkers tried to forge a black identity based on an African worldview, modernity begged for newer answers, too. But a dialogue between philosophies of the East and the West would be possible only when African thought gained acceptance as a legitimate philosophy and was not dismissed as religion — a predicament shared by thinkers from Korea, Japan, India and China, each of these nations being home to many schools of thought.

In order to promote a wider understanding of African and Asian philosophies in an intellectual community that takes Western thought based on reason as the foundational parameter for any school of philosophy, the Afro-Asian Philosophy Association (AAPA) began to hold a series of conferences. The first one was held in Cairo in 1978 and the AAPA Congress 2010 will be held in Mumbai from October 20-23, in collaboration with the Indian Philosophic Congress.
"African countries were colonies. The colonisers considered their subjects as brutes, with no culture and no philosophy. They looked at native wisdom as religion and theology that need not be taken seriously. Even when we talk of Asia, Western philosophers confuse religion with philosophy," says Prof Shubhada Joshi, head of the philosophy department, Mumbai University.

Between the two, even as Asian philosophies have received more exposure, African philosophy is still popularly perceived as arcane and mystic. In the meantime, the African understanding of the human being as Ubuntu — "I am what I am because of who we all are" — an individual who is indivisibly connected to a collective, has gained in popularity, with statesmen like Bill Clinton citing it as an alternative basis for organising society.

African philosophy has diverse strands, from the Sage Philosophy of community elders, to contemporary theories that challenge racist Western philosophical thought and explore the meaning of 'blackness' in the modern world.

Confronted by cultural repression under colonialism, African thinkers developed the philosophy of 'Negritude', a literary and ideological movement developed by francophone African intellectuals in the 1930s, which sought solidarity in a common black identity to fight the oppressors. "A lot of western philosophy is racist; it pertains to the western white male. So initially, African philosophy was reactive. It began by asserting Negritude. It was African philosophy that properly problematised issues of race for the first time," says Dr Kanchana Mahadevan, professor at the department of philosophy, Mumbai University.

African Sage Philosophy was first made popular by the Kenyan philosopher Henry Odera Oruka, who created a rational and critical foundation for concepts passed down by African communities. These included ideas such as the nature of the supreme being, the concept of the person, the meaning of freedom, equality, death, and belief in the afterlife.

Oruka wanted to counter three claims: that philosophy requires literacy and oral traditions don't qualify; that African sages do not engage in reason-driven philosophic thought; and that African traditions discourage individual critical thought. "Most African philosophy was contained in parables and folklore. The philosophers had to extract the philosophy from it. We require a strong theoretical foundation for the philosophy, for only then will attitudes change," says Sharmila Virkar, head of department of philosophy, SK SomaiyaCollege of Arts, Science and Commerce.

These philosophies have shaped national constitutions and policies, and continue to provide responses to the various crises plaguing Africa. They are reflected in the South African interim constitution which emphasises "a need for Ubuntu, but not for victimisation."

Another example is how in many countries, the idea of 'unanimity' led to the acceptance of one-party systems post independence, with opposition politics being denounced as both unAfrican and anti-nationalist.

This theme of the AAPA Congress this year is 'Moulding Individual and Corporate Life towards Social Solidarity and Progress'.

For the details of the conference, visit www.indianphilosophicalcongress.in

This is in reference to the report on AAPC (DNA 17.10.10). The reporter has collected quotes from few professors of philosophy about the alleged prejudicial views of so called western scholars as racially motivated against African thinking. I am not qualified to give any judgement. However, I wish to point out; that it was western researchers working in African deserts who traced back those earliest human footprints to Africa. Surely, they must be racists. There is an Africa First group in several countries who advocate all thoughts to Africa. In our own country there are groups claiming that humans originated in Gangetic plains in India. Will it not be correct to say that the two groups are racist in reverse? I have read some of the books by the late Edward Said who popularized the concept of ‘orientalism’ which influenced a considerable lot of scholars in our own land though his writing did not contain much about India itself.

The quotes reported make one suspect the claims. For example:
"Most African philosophy was contained in parables and folklore. The philosophers had to extract the philosophy from it. We require a strong theoretical foundation for the philosophy, for only then will attitudes change," Does it not prove the fact that there is no philosophy as such but you have to extract it from other sources?

It is typical of such sources to ascertain communality of their ideas as final. This may be proved by another quote: “how in many countries, the idea of 'unanimity' led to the acceptance of one-party systems post independence, with opposition politics being denounced as both unAfrican and anti-nationalist”. There are several not just African but also several Asian countries ruled by dictatorial regimes claiming legitimacy through such Unitarian ideas.

Since AAPC is to meet in the next days, I hope you will report it more extensively for every ones information. Thanks.



Dear Mr Krishnan,
Appreciate your feedback. I am of the view that my sources have not necessarily pushed forward their prejudices but perhaps endorsed what they have read. I think so because some of the papers I read online in the time that I could afford, seemed to be saying similar things. I hope you appreciate that an 800-word piece cannot do justice to the time, and the volume of literature, that exists on the subject. Given such constraints, a journalist, as opposed to a researcher, must fall back on her sources. I could only manage to speak to three people from Mumbai. The idea of the article was to generate curiosity about what African philosophy is, so those who might be interested could attend the AAPC seminar. Yes, a lot of ground should have been covered,
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